Our High five values:​
Recognition: I see and value you
Trust: I believe and have confidence in you
Support: You're not alone
Affirmation: You can do it
Celebration: Well done, each step counts
Irrespective of where the person is at. We choose to see and listen with the eyes and ears of truth and love

Statement of purpose
We seek to be an incubator that equips and champions individuals to become difference makers in their sphere of influence through personal leadership development, mentorship and discipleship.
To know the triune God is to know the triune Life
He from whom I am hewed
To be God is to be related
Included in the triune life
He to whom my identify is secured
In what ways does thinking in trinitarian terms enhance your understanding of the oneness of God? How does this shape and influence your idea of who God is?
Holy Spirit
He who enables me to be and to do
Transformative: serving to form something, especially having a profound influence on a person's development
The concept of ‘forming’ is not foreign to our human understanding. In one way or the other, we have formed something at some point in our lives. Forming entails giving a particular shape to; or to shape or mold into a certain state or after a particular model form.
With this understanding in mind, I would like to invite you explore what it means to be Formed to live embodied Christian presence as Christ follower.
As a Christian, your deepest desire should be to become more like Jesus. But, the question is; What will it take for you to be formed and filled to function and live like him?
Christian formation facilitates ongoing actions that enables you, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to continually draw from the divine and human nature of Jesus. You have access to draw from his life, death, resurrection, ascension and return.
Important to note: It's not you who determine how you should be formed. God does. Just like the clay is in the potters hands, so are you in his hands. The difference between you and the clay is, you feel when God touches you and you have the right to yield or resist.
As you are being formed you're more and more being integrated in the Triune life of (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). This realm is the Spiritual environment in which your inner transformation takes place and with time begin to manifest in your physical reality.
The act of transformation emphasises the priority of christlikeness in shaping our identity and governing our orientation towards God and others.
towards life transformation
We believe that having a deeper understanding of the Bible positions us to better facilitate formative discipleship processes that help deepen the Christians' understanding of God, self and the world. Within the same vein, we also believe it is important to explore and imagine contemporary forms of engagement for those not associated with Church.

When you look beyond the appearances, you find gold. Never judge people based on your assumptions of them. Get to know them. Get to know their stories.

A platform where we learn to understand our human architecture. Responding to the question of identity and many more other related themes...
"Always remember, "the more you become like Jesus,
the world around you cannot but be influenced to change for the good."
Know yourself as you’re known by God

Biblical response to life’s 5 great questions
The need for discipleship
Discipleship is a process that entails discipline, intentionality, and commitment to follow. I know you may struggle with the idea of discipline and commitment because it often has negative connotations due to bad experiences. Nonetheless, we cannot throw away the baby with the dirty water. Discipline and commitment are pre-requisites of life.Within the context of Christian formation, pre-requisites for discipleship.
Discipleship is about, seeing, observing and choosing to obey the laws of God and applying them in your daily life. You cannot overlook God’s laws and expect that He will somehow go against what He has instituted or go against his word. God is a God of principles. Whenever He speaks,He binds himself to that word and his faithfulness holds himself accountable to fulfil it. This shows how committed He is to himself and to you. He will never ask you to do what he cannot make provisions for. The reason why you might have a disdain for principles and laws is because you have not fully understood the importance and significance of disciplines and commitment in your lives.
The key to discovering your true-self in God is through living a disciplined life. Therefore, to become like Jesus, you need to be disciplined, denying yourself, taking up your cross and following him.
(He who hears my words and puts them into practice is like a man who built his house on the rock). When Jesus becomes your deepest desire, you cannot but be changed into his likeness. As you become like him, you are able discern and identify things you should not be giving yourself to.
Remember, you become what you behold.
Self -Identity
What's your diagnosis of your life?
In your body you're conscious of the physical world
In your soul you're self conscious.
In your spirit you're meant to be God conscious
Who am I
the question of identity
You are an embodied spirit being comprising of body, soul, spirit. Your spirit-soul is the part created in the image and likeness of God and your body made from the dust of the earth. Biologically, you are a human being, born to your parents either as a male or a female.
Right from the beginning of time, God commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth. And today, here you are.
As it pertains to Adams’ disobedience and rebellion to God’s command which is called sin (or missing the mark); You are by nature curved inwardly and self-centered, making you self-conscious/carnal and not God-conscious/ spiritual.
However, if you choose to behold Jesus, you are saved from your self-entangled blindness and received into his life. Through this process you begin a journey of transformation restoring you to becoming again God conscious/spiritual. This is the intent of God for all of humanity.
Please note: What you know and believe shapes who you become and how you live.The deepest answers to who you are, are not based on what you believe in your head but what you’re committed to deep down in your sub-conscious mind…Proverbs 23:7 - As a man thinks in his heart, so is he
You came from God who is Spirit. You are a breath of his very being and essence. Your physical body was formed from the dust of the earth, a design of God’s artistic prowess and creativity. You are a lineage of Adam and Eve the first human couple according to the bible.
yah… yah… yah. You might be saying this in your mind. I too totally get it if you don’t feel like you’re from God or even believe in the idea of his existence. This isn’t an easy pill to swallow. But, does our position make these Biblical realities untrue…? Before you draw any conclusion, I dare you to put this to the test. You might just be surprised and in the process see yourself being drawn to Jesus and so begin to experience:
When you say ‘yes’ to Jesus, you’re received into his life. ​2corinthians 5:17 - Therefore, if you are in Christ, you become a new person: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
When you choose to believe in Jesus you experience this conceiving stage of spiritual awakening. Unfortunately, many never continue growing beyond this point. Remaining in this state makes you a self-conscious/carnal Christian and this you should not settle for.
The next step to your salvation process that is key for your transformation begins when Christ Jesus begins to be formed in you. The development of Christ’s life in you, is the hope of being glorified into the likeness of his image. Colossians 1:27
Where am I from?
the question of heritage
You are here on earth to image God, to be his image bearer. You’re here to exercise dominion, to master, rule, steward, govern, care and lead. Unfortunately, because of your (sinful) self-conscious (disfigured) condition, you’re incapable of truly living out this reality as ordained and ordered by God.
Our self-conscious condition causes us to depend on our own ideas and reasons of existence. Sadly, even in our quest to define our ‘WHY’, we’ve not managed to come up with anything convincing. For most of us, this question doesn’t ring a bell and is never a part of our day-to-day conversations. We’re knowledgeable of our everyday ups and downs, the joys and challenges that come with it but never thinking how all this might be working against or connected to our purpose. We daily endure the pain of constantly reaching out but never coming close enough to behold. This posture indeed keeps us busy but never bringing us to a place of true rest, satisfaction and fulfilment.
True enlightenment points God as the only source where we can learn to know our WHY of existence.
Note; Where purpose if not known, abuse is inevitable. Our blindness to the realities of God causes us to live our lives in this state of self-inflicted abuse.
The good news is… There is a way to discover this truth, all you need is to move towards the light.
Why am I here?
the question of purpose
Your potential is that which you can do. It’s your stored ability, reserved power, untapped strength yet to be unleashed, talents and skills yet to be fully used. It’s all that’s possible to do but yet to be done, it’s how far you can reach, but still yet to, it’s what you can accomplish, but have not yet, it’s creativity, innovations and inventions yet to be made a reality…
In what ways can identify and develop your potential? What is it you can do for the good of humanity and the rest of creation?
What can l do?
the question potential
Domains of Influence
Religion / Church
Celebration (Arts, Entertainment, and Sports)
Economics (Business, Science, and Technology
After this life, when you die, you return to God if you had repented from your self-inwardness and chosen to live your life with him. (Come back to the place you were before the fall).
If you die and had not repented and received the saving grace made available through Christ Jesus, you’ll have chosen to cut yourself out and there will be no possibility to reconsider your options. The time to do so is now.
As you go about your daily life, always bear in mind that your future is not ahead, it’s in you. What you choose to do now determines your tomorrow.
As long as you have breath, in there is a chance to choose for what is life-giving.
I dare you to pause and consider Jesus…
Where am l going?
the question of destiny
Is there another way?
For those who might feel entangled by life's pressures..Does this clip somewhat resonate?
That which you submit to
The circumstances to which your life can be understood
That which you choose for
In Genesis 3 they are three questions God asked Adam after he had disobeyed his instructions. These three questions have become significant to the human story whether you believe in God or not. They shape our every day life consciously and unconsciously.

life's building blocks
Based on the unfolding events of Genesis 3
Where are you?
The question of context
Who told you?
The question of authority
Have you eaten?
The question of choice
The implications of Genesis 3 cuts far deep into our human psyche than we recognise. Whenever we deny God and exalt ourselves as our sole agents of life… What we don't realise is… We’re fulfilling the very ‘WORD’ God spoke to Adam… ‘in the day you eat of the fruit of the tree of knowing good and evil you shall surely die.’This death in retrospect was not physical but spiritual.Humanity ‘died’ from being God-conscious and became self-conscious… The ‘SELF’ therefore, is the greatest obstacle that stands in the way of every human being to believe in God.