info@ywamarnhem.nlOct 161 min readScriBpt - creating pockets of time for God throughout your day...Spiritual discipline:Tension examenIn the business and hurriedness of life. We provide you with Weekly Biblical inspired quotes, short prayers and scriptures to engage with each week.You're a difference makers final copy .pdfDownload PDF • 4.33MB
Spiritual discipline:Tension examenIn the business and hurriedness of life. We provide you with Weekly Biblical inspired quotes, short prayers and scriptures to engage with each week.You're a difference makers final copy .pdfDownload PDF • 4.33MB
If God exist... why evil?One of the many questions most people wrestle with as they try to make sense of the world, we live in is; If God exist, why does evil and...
In Charge: Taking responsibility for your personal leadership and life choices How are you cultivating your life? Proverbs 23:7 - as a man thinks in his heart so is he - Or simply put: as a man thinks in his...